Publishing Processing Fees
We would like to confirm that neither WASD nor any of our partners receive any funding and/or financial income from the publishing processing fee. Therefore, please pay the journal publication processing fee for your paper ( as we will NOT proceed with processing your submission without confirmation of your payment.
This registration fee will include the following:
The processing of your paper from submission to publication fairly, objectively, professionally, and efficiently. In doing so, WASD strictly follows our Publishing Ethics guidelines and procedures.
WASD will ensure the proofreading, typesetting and design of your paper is completed efficiently and quickly by our top quality third parties’ companies with whom we have been working for more than 15 years. You can browse many samples of their various works in our digital library, and we are also happy to send you samples to view.
WASD will publish your paper online completely free of charge for an unlimited number of downloads. For a printed copy of your paper please contact us and we will arrange to send for the number of copies you require after full payment has been received.
For more information, please contact the Publishing Coordinator, Mrs Janet Snow (